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Trump Custom Cards

Whisky Trumps

Trumps are one of the most original games in production today. The format can easily be used to represent a range of products or different people. Then you have created a game that can either be given away as a corporate gift to promote your business or even as an ice breaker at a corporate event.

At Ivory Graphics we can set the artwork up for you or you can supply the artwork yourself. Our minimum order is a single pack upwards. So no matter how big your budget, we can make your deck become reality. Standard Trumps packs hold 36 cards in a pack. As we produce custom packs we can make packs with more or less cards, if required. 36 cards is just the most effective amount we can make.

This Whisky trumps pack is a single cut design. Printed full colour on a 350gsm Zanta Games Board


See below for Whisky Trumps Faces: