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Personalized Tall Tarot Cards

pack of oracle personalised tall tarot cards

"The self is not something that one finds. It is something one creates" Thomas Szasz

Introducing Personalized Tall Tarot Cards

Create your future with personalized tall tarot cards.

Whether you use tarot cards for pleasure or business, having a pack of your own design is a must.

Why not show off your creativity by designing your own pack of personalized tall tarot cards? 

This can be as simple as supplying us with a logo for the back of the cards; or supply us with your own tarot faces. You may only be thinking of making a single pack for yourself. At Ivory we provide personalized tall tarot cards from one pack upwards. No order is too small, nor too large! 

Tall Tarot is 89 x 146mm with radius corners. 

They can also be used for Angel cards, Oracle cards, Horoscope cards or even Training cards. 

With such a different variety of uses its essential to have as many options open to you as possible. Some personalized tall tarot cards only use 22 cards, others use 56 or 78 cards. Through Ivory Graphics we can work with any amount of cards on a pack. It could be just 3 or it could 345 cards in a pack. We have a very versatile way of working in which we can keep waste to a minimum no matter what amount of cards you have in a pack.

Pick the card you are most drawn to

Personalized One Side:

We have standard Tarot faces that we can provide for you, while you design the back of the cards with your artwork, logo or brand. You can choose to customise your own tuck box, keeping your brand new cards safe in style! These could have 22, 56 or 78 cards per pack dependant on which faces are required.

Personalized Two Sides:

Set your creative spirit free by personalising both sides of your cards. Create your own faces, create your own meaning, shape your own future and future readings!

You can design any type of spiritual learning that can be put on to cards. You can choose how many cards you would like in your deck: perhaps you would like an extra card to use as a business card? Tarot business cards are so unique that you will surely be remembered by clients! Once you have finished on this page why not request a quote and select whatever amount of cards you require.


We now have a number of different options for keeping your cards safe when they are not being used:

- For small sets of cards of 3 to 6 cards we have clear resealable cello bags.

- Larger amounts of cards of 7 to 20 cards we can cello band the cards in sets. This is a 30mm clear tape.

- Once above 21 cards, Tuck boxes are available in Plain white or personalised tuck boxes. 

- Tuck boxes can be made to any amount of cards 112 cards. 

- Once over 112 cards rigid display boxes are the perfect type of packaging for personalized tall tarot cards. You can use rigid display boxes for smaller amount of cards too. Smaller boxes could hold 56 cards as a minimum.

Recommended material: 395um Zanta Games Board. Playing cards materials on offer for custom Tarot cards are 280um Zanta Gameboard, 395um zanta, 340um Heretic playing card board

By using Ivory Graphics you are spoiled for choice as we have a whole family of sizes to choose from for Tarot cards.

 Other options include: Tarot 70mm x 120mm, with a thickness of 270/395um on Zanta Games Board; Large Tarot, measuring 89mm x 127mm, on 395um Zanta Games Board. 

You could even get them printed on Display cards for a larger view of your beautiful designs: display cards are 110 x 155mm on 395um Zanta Games Board, 

or a more handy version could be on our Education cards, 78mm x 108mm with a choice of 270um or 395um Zanta Games Board.

Standard Tarot: 70 x 120mm

Large Tarot Cards: 89 x 127mm

Personalized Tall Tarot Cards: 89 x 146mm

To find out more why not get in touch and discuss your project with us.

By Zsuzsa