There has been a lot of online debate through the years as to whether online flashcards and online learning in general is more productive than physical. Some research has also shown that people study better when they are using a physical copy that involves picture or is colour-coded, over a blank white paper with black text online. While online flashcards can have game extensions and more versatility in this sense, when revising, you tend to memorise the structure of the answer, how it looks, the first few words, rather than the actual answer and understanding it.
Having a physical copy allows you to really take in the answer and spend more time on it. Studies have also shown that children who are able to interact with peers and teachers in a regularly attended class achieve higher marks and are better disciplined.
1. Notifications & other apps are distracting
We have all been reading something on our phone and then receive a text from someone or a reminder for an app and then we click off what we were doing before. There is a lot more leniency when it comes to how much easier it is to just do something else. With a device, you do not even have to move and instead you can simply just swipe off the app you were on. So, if you do, then why expect more restraint your child?
2. Ipads are meant for fun, not learning
When it comes to learning, it is best to keep it in the same format. I say Ipads as a general term of a device, where children do not use them in class or school, but rather at home to play games. So to cross the boundaries and merge them together blurs the line, between work and fun. It is easier to disconnect, as it were, if you leave all work for during a certain time-period, on a certain device or at a certain place.
3. Bad for a developing eyesight
Looking at a screen for too long can damage our eyes, increase headaches and make you feel disorientated. This is because you have strained your eyes for a long period of time, try taking regular breaks, using a low brightness, using dark mode & night mode. However, the best solution is to avoid using your phone or device for long periods of time, this is why studying or revising on devices is harder because you can develop eye strain and this can stop you from studying.
4. Too many adverts
Whether you go on a website or an app, it is no longer to possible to avoid adverts, they are everywhere. Littered through articles or used as borders on apps, they've become almost impossible to avoid. It's hard to stay focused on working, when there are far more appealing games, clothes or articles being showcased.